Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Ramadan in Mauritius

After such a long time, I am writing a new post. During this lapse of time I changed the design and colors. I must say it took me a lot of time to ponder about my new post! Being in the month of Ramadan, I searched the net about how Ramadan is carried out in Mauritius. But to my great dismay, I did not found any relevant information. So, I decided to write something on it, in order that people around the world can know about the Mauritian's way of fasting.

Much before the arrival of the sacred month, it is a custom amongst the Mauritians to start preparing cakes. Mauritians have culinary skills in preparing the traditional oily cakes like the samoussa, paté,  bhajia, gato piment, chana puri, half moon, gato banane, brochette, cateless, gato arouille, cotelette, cheese ball...etc.... The cakes are freezed so as to be fried at the right time.

During this sacred month, relatives and friends share what they have, like dates, cakes or naan, as sharing not only forms part of the Mauritian culture but  is also considered as a rewarding act.

Mauritians eagerly wait for the sight of the new moon and are delighted to keep the fast the following day.
At sehri, there exist a variety of menus which Mauritians prefer. Some like to eat, naan, farata, bread  with butter and cheese or rice with curry accompanied by gréo (semolina in milk), fruits or cereals. As drink most people drink water, tea, coffee or milk. Normally a light meal is eaten as at such hours woken from a good sleep does not give much appetite! 

Just before Iftaar , Mauritians start to fry their oily cakes that they want to eat on that day, as they will break their fast with them along with dates. As drink almost all Mauritians like the traditional alouda also known as falooda and water, juice, tea or coffee. In addition to the menu  jelly of different colors and flavors is not forgotten!

After the namaaz taraweeh, some people have the habit to finish cakes left at iftaar or buy from sellers.
Cake sellers work very hard in this month, as  it is the only period of time that their revenue increases. In almost all corners of street sellers can be seen , selling cakes or naan. It is considered to be a festivity of cakes, as  many varieties can be seen. Some people who are not used to prepare home made cakes, buy from them or people who want additional cakes buy too.
If you want any recipes of the menus stated above, please do not hesitate to comment and I will reply back.
You can also share your ideas, opinions or recipes that I have missed. 
Do share how Ramadan is carried out in your country too, so that  to enhance our knowledge of different cultures worldwide.

"Ramadan in Mauritius embed the Mauritian culture,  customs and traditions."

Friday, April 20, 2012

Facebook Timelime..........No escape from reality!

The ring bells and the time is up! The longly awaited Facebook Timeline is here. It is not an option to chose the traditional one but its an obligation to adapt to the new facebook design that is the timeline. So no one can escape from the reality of the new facebook.


It is the first thing that people see when they visit your wall.This space make you express yourself with your picture. There are lots of covers which one can use to modify his profile for example
1. http://www.addacover.com/
2. http://www.myfbcovers.com/
3. http://fbprofilecovers.com/
4. http://www.firstcovers.com/   ......and many others.


You can Share and highlight the most memorable posts, photos and life events on your timeline. This is where you can tell your story from beginning, to middle, to now.


With the new timeline one can express themeselves into various ways. In addition more applications have been created in order for the social network users can bring them to life , you can visit this site for more details http://www.facebook.com/about/timeline/apps.
A friend can see the whole life of his other friend through timeline. A new feature, the map make a friend know the country you visited.

Many people are unhappy with the new look, but its high time to move on to something more innovative and creative, as we will get used to it.